City and Regional Planning Section’s Editors of Academic Journals

City and Regional Planning Section’s Editors of Academic Journals

JPL Cover

Journal of Planning Literature

Dr. Rachel Garshick Kleit
Associate Dean, College of Engineering
Professor, City and Regional Planning

Associate Editors
Dr. Maria Manta Conroy
Associate Professor, City and Regional Planning

Dr. Tijs van Maasakkers
Associate Professor
, City and Regional Planning

Managing Editor
Rashad Alirhayim

The Journal of Planning Literature (JPL) was founded at The Ohio State University in 1985. The journal is published as a partnership between the City and Regional Planning Section in Ohio State’s Knowlton School and Sage Publications.

JPL publishes review articles and abstracts of recent literature in city and regional planning and design. A typical issue contains one to three refereed literature reviews; a Council of Planning Librarians (CPL) Bibliography; several hundred abstracts of recent journal articles and dissertations; and several hundred bibliographic listings. JPL aims to give the reader an understanding of the state of knowledge of the field for use in research or professional practice.

The current editorial team includes Editor-in-Chief Professor Rachel Garshick Kleit and Associate Editors Dr. Maria Manta Conroy and Dr. Tijs van Maasakkers. Basar Ozbilen serves as JPL’s Managing Editor. Previous JPL editors have included JPL’s founding editor Professor Ken Pearlman, as well as Professors Jack Nasar and Gulsah Akar.

Journal of Urban Affairs cover

Journal of Urban Affairs

Dr. Bernadette Hanlon
Associate Professor, City and Regional Planning

Editorial Assistant
Sahar Khaleel

The Journal of Urban Affairs (JUA) is published by Routledge | Taylor & Francis. JUA focuses on urban research and policy analysis and is among the most widely cited journals in the field. Published for the Urban Affairs Association (UAA), the journal provides a multidisciplinary perspective on issues of relevance to both scholars and practitioners, including:

  • Interdisciplinary analyses of metropolitan and community problems
  • Cutting-edge quantitative and qualitative methodologies
  • Global and comparative urban research
  • Empirical research that advances the understanding for urban society
  • Assessments of policies, programs, and strategies for change in the urban milieu

In March 2021, after a year-long international search, the Urban Affairs Association announced the appointment of Dr. Bernadette Hanlon of the City and Regional Planning section at Ohio State as the new Editor of the Journal of Urban Affairs. Dr. Hanlon is the sixth editor in the journal’s 42-year history. Her official five-year term began on July 1, 2021.

Regional Studies cover

Regional Studies

Dr. Jennifer Clark
Section Head and Professor, City and Regional Planning

Regional Studies (RS) is a leading international journal covering the development of theories and concepts, empirical analysis, and policy debate in the field of regional studies. The journal publishes original research spanning the economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions of urban and regional (subnational) change. The distinctive purpose of Regional Studies is to connect insights across intellectual disciplines in a systematic and grounded way to understand how and why regions and cities evolve. It publishes research that distills how economic and political processes and outcomes are contingent upon regional and local circumstances. The journal is a pluralist forum that showcases diverse perspectives and analytical techniques. Regional Studies is one of five academic journals of the Regional Studies Association.

Professor Jennifer Clark, Head of the Knowlton School’s City and Regional Planning Section is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Regional Studies published by Routledge | Taylor and Francis.

Dr. Clark previously served as Deputy Editor-in-Chief from 2018–23.

JAPA cover

Journal of the American Planning Association

Associate Editor
Dr. Harley Etienne
Associate Professor, City and Regional Planning

The Journal of the American Planning Association (JAPA) is the quarterly journal of record for the planning profession.

Since 1935, the quarterly Journal of the American Planning Association has published research, commentaries, and book reviews useful to practicing planners, policymakers, scholars, students, and citizens of urban, suburban, and rural areas. JAPA publishes double-blind peer-reviewed, original research, and analysis. It brings insight to planning the future, airs a variety of perspectives, publishes the highest quality work, and engages readers.

Professor Harley Etienne was named to the editorial board as an associate editor in January 2021.