Blurred Boundaries

2022 William Riat ’73 Prize

Blurred Boundaries

Blurred Boundaries:
Post-Anthropocene Elementary School
Ghazal Feizi

As citizens of the Anthropocene, we consider ourselves separate from nature, and nature exists ‘outside’ of clearly drawn boundaries. We build barriers and create divisions seen nowhere in the natural realm. These physical barriers further separate humanity from nature and create boundaries that would not otherwise exist. What happens if we perceive ourselves as a part of nature? What happens if we call into question these boundaries and challenge our understanding of nature?

The post-Anthropocene school is a natural and self-regulating environment, directly relevant to the outside world. Rather than the enclosures, borders, and limits constituting educational spaces; the voids, sensed and sensing constitute spaces of learning.

The school introduces a new inside-outside relationship by blurring the boundaries between indoors and outdoors while its dynamic and flexible structure establishes complex boundaries that adjust to different climates and situations in the post-Anthropocene era. It removes the artificial boundaries we have imposed on ourselves and nature, allowing children to thrive and learn from the natural world.

Self-nourishment, experimenting with natural elements, and getting closer to concepts that are being taught will finally help students find their place within nature and embrace their natural roots.

The William Riat ’73 Prize is awarded each year to recognize outstanding work in the Master Project by G3 students in the Master of Architecture program.


profile of curtis

Curtis Roth

Associate Professor