The Elusina Lazenby Experimental Forest and Interpretive Center

An exhibition on the Elusina Lazenby Experimental Forest at Ohio State’s Waterman Farm.

The Elusina Lazenby Experimental Forest and Interpretive Center

This exhibition displays work related to the Elusina Lazenby Experimental Forest at  Ohio State’s Waterman Agriculture and Natural Resources Laboratory.

The Elusina Lazenby Experimental Forest is located at The Ohio State University's Waterman Agriculture and Natural Resources Laboratory. It operates as a living laboratory for testing the ecological and aesthetic qualities of forest gardens. The site work honors the legacy of Elusina Lazenby, the first woman to receive an MA in Landscape Architecture from The Ohio State University in 1926. 

The forest gardens, as depicted in the dioramas in the interpretive center, are conceptualized, designed, installed, and maintained by Knowlton School students and faculty.

Each year, two 1-acre gardens are commissioned in a competitive process, open to students enrolled in the two-semester program centered on the role of forests in culture. In the first semester, students research and analyze representations of the forest in various media, including film, literature, legislation, and video games.

The second semester is dedicated to the interpretation of research and the development of a detailed proposal for a forest garden. Teams of students submit proposals—including construction documents, timelines, and proposed budget—to a jury of experts.

Selected projects receive construction funding and are guided by faculty and local practitioners to ensure the successful implementation of each project at Waterman Farm.

The interpretive center, as represented in the Banvard Gallery at Knowlton Hall, explains the intent of each forest garden for visitors. Expert interpreters are also standing by to guide visitors through both the exhibits and the gardens.

The Elusina Lazenby Experimental Forest is funded by the Ohio State University’s Operation Human Interpretation Outreach and Outlook Healthy Institution Operation (OSU-OHIO-OHIO) and is operated in cooperation with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

About the Team

Sarah Cowles

Sylviculture Studio Exhibition Team

  • Andrew Barringer
  • Candace Black-Housh
  • Clinton Calhoun
  • Alexandra Camponeschi
  • Anastasia Carrier Betsch
  • Sarah Cowles
  • Ryan Hillyer
  • Zachary Kapphahn
  • TJ McCready
  • Lauren McCrystal
  • Ryan McKee
  • Seth Oldham
  • Christa Radosavljevic
  • Jonathan Staker
  • Amy Kaye Taylor
  • Hallee Thompson
  • Anna Vagedes
  • John Wischmeyer
  • Hui Yuan

Exhibition on view: Mar 2, 2016—Apr 2, 2016