Jaxx Cheline

Knowlton Ambassador

Jaxx Cheline


Jaxx Cheline

Jaxx Cheline

Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture

Akron, Ohio

How are you involved outside of being a Knowlton Ambassador? 

I volunteer with a local group called Mexico Vive en Nuestra America. I also am a part of the Mundo club on campus.

What do you enjoy most about being a Knowlton student?

I love the community!

What’s your best advice for new Knowlton Students? 

Time management is crucial. Our assignments take a lot of time so not getting behind or waiting until the last minute is really important. I'm also talking to myself here!

What has been your favorite non-Knowlton Ohio State course? 

My favorite non-major course was Ohio Birds. I took it last semester and it was a ton of fun.

Do you have any final advice for prospective or newly admitted students?

Ohio State is a great school and Knowlton is an amazing program, and I’d definitely recommend joining us here!