Year in Review, 2015–16

Year in Review, 2015–16

2015-16 Year in Review Cover

The Knowlton School is pleased to announce the release of the 2015–16 Year in Review. The book highlights of the 2015-16 academic year with a particular focus placed on exceptional experiences, teaching, faculty and student achievement, technology, alumni achievement, and school outreach efforts.

This was an exciting year at Knowlton. Landscape architecture celebrated its centennial with receptions, exhibitions, an international symposium and even a float in the homecoming parade. We met our capital campaign goal of $16 million including endowments in honor of professors Hazel Morrow- Jones, Lawrence Walquist, Lisa Tilder and Robert Livesey. We welcomed four new faculty and hired seven more, increasing our full-time faculty from twenty-nine in 2011 to thirty-seven in 2016. All of this in addition to Knowlton’s signature offerings.

The publication also provides an update on the Knowlton School Capital Campaign and includes a comprehensive listing of all Knowlton School donors.

Read the 2015–16 Year in Review