Year in Review, 2017–18

Year in Review, 2017–18

cover of the 2017–18 Year in Review showing a class held in Knowlton Hall’s south garden

The Knowlton School is pleased to announce the release of the 2017–18 Year in Review. The book highlights the 2017-18 academic year with a particular focus placed on important news, and achievements of our faculty, students, and alumni.

While our tuitions are a fraction of those of private institutions, we offer many of the same exceptional educational opportunities: an award-winning facility, study abroad programs on four continents, prominent public lectures and exhibitions, and visiting professors such as Rem Koolhaas, Walter Hood, and Dr. Tom Sanchez. Elite and egalitarian—a rare combination and one we are proud of.

The publication also provides an update on 2017–18 fundraising impacts and a comprehensive listing of all Knowlton School donors for the year.

Read the 2017–18 Year in Review