Live/Work Building / Lower School

Architecture UG3 Studio / Autumn 2019 / Jacqueline J. Gargus

Live/Work Building / Lower School

Live/Work Building

This project investigates a series of opposite conditions—live/work, public/private, light/dark, inside/outside—through the design of a 4,500 SFLive/Work building. Individual projects highlight the differences between these conditions—or blur distinctions between them—in a multi‐story, wood-framed building that accommodates two living units, a shared workspace, and a garden. Each project is designed for one of three sites on a single block in the East Franklinton neighborhood of Columbus, OH.

Lower School

From the naturally lit classrooms of the late-nineteenth century, to the open plan schools of the mid-twentieth century to the “campfires and caves” of today’s project-based learning environments, pedagogy and architecture go hand in hand. This project—a design for a Lower School—includes form, space, material, and environment as integral ingredients for a richly-imagined place for learning. Situated on a topographically challenging site in Columbus, the school is made from unit-masonry. Throughout this exercise, students are asked to explore the tensions between collective order and individual autonomy on a variety of scales—unit and assembly, building and site, teachers and students, education and society.
