Peng Chen Publishes “Gravity-based models for evaluating urban park accessibility”

The city and regional planning doctoral student published the article in the Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science journal.

Peng Chen Publishes “Gravity-based models for evaluating urban park accessibility”

City and Regional Planning PhD student Peng Chen has published “Gravity-based models for evaluating urban park accessibility: Why does localized selection of attractiveness factors and travel modes matter?” in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.

The paper examines the impact of localized selections of attractiveness factors and travel modes on accessibility measurements. 

This study investigates the differences in gravity-based models for assessing park accessibility based on varying assumptions about attractiveness factors and travel impedance. Semi-structured interviews with local residents were conducted to identify the reasons for park visits in Shanghai. Our bivariate correlation analyses reveal that factors such as park openness and access to public transport were crucial, in addition to conventional factors identified in the literature (i.e., park size and driving accessibility). This insight led to the development of localized accessibility measurements that incorporate park inclusiveness (i.e., entrance fees and opening hours) and multimodal travel options (based on multinomial logistic mode choice models).

Read more at Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science


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