Paula Meijerink Participates in A Permanent Nostalgia for Departure

The associate professor of landscape architecture collaborated with artist Rand Abdul Jabbar at the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati.

Paula Meijerink Participates in A Permanent Nostalgia for Departure

Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture Paula Meijerink collaborated with artist Rand Abdul Jabbar on her project Tektōn (after Zaha, after Malevich) at the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati. The work is part of the exhibition A Permanent Nostalgia for Departure: A Rehearsal on Legacy with Zaha Hadid and engages with The Lois and Richard Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art designed by architect Zaha Hadid—her first building in the United States and the first American Museum designed by a woman.

Visitors ascending to the fourth-floor galleries first encounter the contribution by Rand Abdul Jabbar titled Tektōn (after Zaha, after Malevich). The title refers to Melevich’s Tektonik, Hadid’s 1977 graduation project at the Architectural Association in London, a project for a hotel on the Hungerford Bridge over the Thames. Hadid’s red-and-blue painting can be seen on the wall (below) opposite Abdul Jabbar’s clay-and-sand sculptures that echo the Suprematist forms that inspired Hadid. Though one may not associate compressed earth with bridging, part of Abdul Jabbar’s sculpture does just that.

Read more at World Architects