Tijs van Maasakkers Publishes on Collaborative Land Use Governance

Assistant Professor Tijs van Maasakkers features his piece about Community-Based Initiatives in Routledge's "Civic Engagement, Community-Based Initiatives and Governance Capacity: An International Perspective".

Tijs van Maasakkers Publishes on Collaborative Land Use Governance

Assistant Professor of City and Regional Planning Tijs van Maasakkers and Nancy Bowen-Ellzey published “Community-Based Initiatives in the Rust Belt: Collaborative Land Use Governance in a Shrinking City” in Civic Engagement, Community-Based Initiatives and Governance Capacity: An International Perspective. The book is part of the Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management series.

The authors assess how a diverse group of community stakeholders with a common mission to improve their community work together to achieve shared goals. The focus is on the interdependence of stakeholders and how face-to-face interactions and facilitative leadership relate to each other in the context of this community-based initiative.

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